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English Book Education
Oct 26, 20212 min read
როგორ ვასწავლოთ ლექსიკა დაწყებით საფეხურზე
ინგლისური ენის სწავლება დაწყებით საფეხურზე იწყება ლექსიკის გაცნობით, სწორედ ახალი სიტყვების საშუალებით ეუფლებიან მოსწავლეები ახალ,...
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English Book Education
Sep 29, 20151 min read
Describe your style by a suitable word!
Students always find it difficult to describe their appearance and use the appropriate vocabulary for their looks. It’s a fashion week...
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English Book Education
Sep 29, 20151 min read
Describe your style by a suitable word!
Students always find it difficult to describe their appearance and use the appropriate vocabulary for their looks. It’s a fashion week...
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English Book Education
Sep 29, 20151 min read
Describe your style by a suitable word!
Students always find it difficult to describe their appearance and use the appropriate vocabulary for their looks. It’s a fashion week...
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English Book Education
Sep 29, 20151 min read
Describe your style by a suitable word!
Students always find it difficult to describe their appearance and use the appropriate vocabulary for their looks. It’s a fashion week...
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