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Frankfurt Calls on Publishing Community to Go Global

Publishers worldwide are promoting the benefits of globalism, despite the recent rise in popularity of nationalist politics. The “Go Global” campaign, launched by the Frankfurter Buchmesse, aims to unite publishers from all across the world to defend the “freedom to publish”, and the “freedom of speech”, according to Juergen Boos, a representative.

With this campaign, the Frankfurter Buchmesse offers a number of one-year programs that help publishers exchange ideas internationally. They also help support the publishers’ global rights and their licensing platforms with the help of IPR Licence.

“Go Global” will have its final event in Frankfurt, where, alongside French guests, a number of international authors, politicians and artists will share their cultural and political experiences. Additionally, the Frankfurter Buchmesse will organize German stands at 17 international book fairs (including the London Book Fair).

With the world seemingly becoming more and more isolated by the month, it’s refreshing to still see a celebration of international bonds that hold Europe together.

Source: “Frankfurt Calls on Publishing Community to ‘Go Global’”, Juergen Boos, Publishing Perspective, Spring 2017, p.5


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