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Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognizes every class is different, every learner is unique.

Roadmap’s rich content and flexible organization allows teachers to personalize their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress.

Discover Roadmap

  1. enable learners to make fast, measurable progress

  2. personalize teaching using different routes through the course

  3. develop reading, writing and listening skills with extensive practice and strategies

  4. deliver successful lessons with materials that are easy to use and fun to teach

  5. get students practicing out of class with the mobile app

Learning English is a journey and the final destination is the ability to speak confidently and fluently. Roadmap provides the direction you need to get your learners where they want to go

Digital tools to support students and teachers

For students

  1. The mobile app gives students an opportunity to practice anytime, anywhere, with extra grammar and vocabulary exercises to consolidate language points.

  2. MyEnglishLab provides online practice for students, class management for teachers and a gradebook to review performance.

For teachers

  1. The presentation tool gives teachers a fully interactive version of the Students’ Book and Workbook with integrated audio and video to use at the front of class.

  2. The resources teachers can access online include full teaching notes, photocopiables, audio and video and an assessment package.

Student’s Book

  1. Ten units with three main input lessons link to three Develop your listening, reading and writing skills lessons

  2. An English in Action lesson in each unit covers key functional language with video clips and worksheets

  3. In each main lesson the Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation lead up to a speaking task based on GSE learning objectives

  4. Audio, video, scripts, word lists available online


  1. Additional grammar, vocabulary and functional language practice activities

  2. Additional reading, writing and listening practice activities

  3. An answer key at the back of the book allows learners to check their answers

Teachers Components:

  1. Teacher’s Book

  2. Test Generator

  3. Presentation Tool

  4. Teacher’s Digital Resources


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