English Book Education in partnership with The University of Buckingham and University of St. George is organising a two-day training course for English Language Teachers on the 5th-6th of September 2019 in Tbilisi.
The training will be conducted by Dr. Alireza Tajvidi, Senior Visiting Fellow in International Studies at the University of Buckingham.
The sessions focus on the following topics:
Day 1 – Assessing Student Performance
The Purpose and Forms of Assessment
Objectivity and the Assessment Process
Assessment at Buckingham University
Day 2 – Quality Teaching
Module Design
The Importance of Critical Thinking
Clarify and Professional Delivery
Please download the Training Course Agenda:
The training will be held at English Book Education’s HQ office: #92 Vepkhistkaosani Street, Didi Digomi.
Please follow the link to register: bit.ly/33Mho1b
Registration deadline: 2nd of September.
Training Fee: 80 GEL
For more information, please contact us:
Tel:599313289 ǀ 577050272
Thank you for collaboration!
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