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Teach with Dave Masterclass

Dear Teacher,

We are delighted to announce the exclusive teacher development programme created by a world-leading teacher trainer and teacher of teenagers, Dave Spencer. The programme starts on 14th April 2021.

Take part in tailor-made sessions and receive loads of great ideas and inspiration on how to teach teenage students in a motivating, modern and effective way. Be in the chance to join an exclusive event with Dave and the experts from the Norwich Institute for Language Education.

The participation in the Teach with Dave Masterclass is completely free, so don’t wait any longer! Download a pre-session task and register for all the sessions:


Session 1 – 14th April, 17:00-19:00 Tbilisi Time

Keep calm and carry on teaching teenagers! The keys to managing and motivating teens


Teaching teenagers can be incredibly challenging on one hand, but immensely rewarding on the other. To get the most out of the experience, I’ll be sharing some of my ideas about how we can best manage and motivate secondary classes, considering key issues such as mixed abilities, discipline, online learning and effective lesson planning, suggesting both general approaches and concrete classroom activities. We will also examine what teenagers themselves think makes a great teacher.


Session 2 – 12th May, 16:00-22:00 Tbilisi Time

On closer examination – The keys to preparing teens for exam success


Exams and tests are part of everyday life for secondary students, whether they be regular evaluation exams, external exams to gain a qualification in English, or university entrance exams. This session will investigate both the positive and negative impact that exams can have on our students and then go on to explore ways to help them to pass their exams with flying colours whilst remaining positive and motivated, and avoiding exam ‘tunnel vision’.


Session 3 – 16th June, 16:00-19:00 Tbilisi Time

Learning for life – The keys to preparing teens for life in and outside the classroom


In this session we will look at how to prepare teenagers for life in the 21st Century. We will look at how and why we should teach Life Skills, Thinking Skills, and Social and Emotional Learning. The ultimate aim of teaching these various skills is to help teenagers to cope with the pressures of life at school and university and also to succeed and blossom in life beyond the classroom.

We hope to see you soon!


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