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Young learner’s course

Courses for Young Learners (Ages 4-12)

Register now for new academic year.

კურსი დაწყებითი საფეხურის მოსწავლეებისთვის.

შემდეგი აკადმიური წლისთვის რეგისტრაცია დაიწყო.


The course is designed for primary school students  aiming to improve and develop their knowledge and competence of English Language.

The lessons are conducted three times a week for duration of 90 minutes each. The course is led by experienced Georgian and native speaker teachers.  All study materials and resources are selected individually according to the level, age group and interests of the students. Up-to-date audio, video, visual and printed materials are used throughout the course.

The course is aimed at improving overall English competency across four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. It also covers English grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. During the course, students will be able to practice various activities, role-playing and participation in discussions.

The course also included extracurricular activities such as theatrical performance, Graduation Ceremony etc.

Courses for Young Learners also includes special course for preschool students: English for Pre-Schoolers. The lessons are conducted twice a week for duration of 60 minutes each.

Course Duration: 1 Academic Year

Minimum Age:  4

Level:  Starter – Intermediate


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